Friday, September 15, 2006

I am posting at the crack of dawn today

Its about 7:15 this morning. It has been cool enough in the mornings that I need to put on a sweater to come downstairs. We also have not had to turn on the air units until around 3:00 in the afternoon. This will be a big help in next months electric bill!

In a few months it will be so chilly in here. I'm not fond of being "cold" but I suppose it helps me to enjoy the "hot" more when it comes.

I spent about 4 hours yesterday cleaning out the library. We call it the library because one day it will be just that. Rob is going to build shelves from floor to ceiling all around the room. I have always wanted one of those libraries you see in old houses with the step ladder that slides across the top. The ceilings are about 10 feet tall, so I will need something to get up there. It is the room where we do our school work and art work and office work, so there is always a lot of accumulation of stuff. I was going to upload pictures but my cameras batteries are dead so I'll try and get some up later today.

Today is Friday. YAY! Its deep clean day here. We have no school work on Fridays. But lots of cleaning work. The boys are all still in their assigned zones, BUT they must deeply clean everything. After we have the house sparkling clean we will head off to the park for some much needed play time. (incentive)

Everyone have a blessed, safe weekend and a joyous, full of the spirit Sabbath Rest!

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Oh that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! Duet 5:29