Lets just say things have been tight around here for the past 6 weeks. Rob did a bathroom remodel for someone we knew in June. They are and have been for the past 2 weeks ignoring/running from and dodging us completely. They owe us $6,000 dollars and we haven't seen one penny. Its looking rather dim that we will be paid for this job and will have to place a lien against the home, problem is we are broke. I haven't paid the bills for June and yes its almost July. My friend paid our electric/water bill earlier this month so it would not be turned. off.
Its been really hard going through this. We have never dealt with someone who would not pay. It was a set up from the beginning and we realize now he never intended to pay us. We do have a contract to back us up but the truth of the matter is it will cost a few hundred dollars to file the judgments and then time, both of which we just don't have. Thank the Lord we planted a garden this year because that has been keeping us fed as well as eggs from the chickens. We have tried to take meals from 3 down to 2 a day, eating breakfast at 9:30 and eating Linner or Dunch (whatever you want to call it) at around 3:30. This works for the most part, its amazing what kids will eat when they are hungry ;-)
Any way, not here to cry on your shoulder just wanted to tell you that if I suddenly disappear from Internet land for a while its because my phone has been shut off. Life sometimes throws hardball's and we are on the receiving end this time. All I know is He is in control. If you feel led to pray for us and for this to be resolved rather quickly, please do.