Monday, August 18, 2008

Theres a...... man around the house!

But I'm afraid that those riveting red eyes and that golden tan arent getting him anywhere with these ladies. After all this has been an all girls club for the past two years.

The head mistress, made it very clear to him that he was not wanted, they fought for a few minutes, she won and he went off into the corner. Poor guy! He went from being man of the house having plenty of lady friends to being all alone in his new home.

I'm sure after a few days they will warm up to him....I hope so....I was hoping for baby chicks!


Holly C. said...

Is this photo your actual rooster??? He looks mean!

Audrey said...

Actually Buff Orphingtons are one of the milder breeds of chickens/roosters.

He's not mean at all, although he will protect the chickens if he thinks they are being hurt.

Amity said...

When I was growing up we lived on a farm and we had THE meanest rooster ever. He would chase us kids around and jump on us and bite us...
course we had alot of mean animals??? a mean bull, geese that attacked us,a llama that spit at us, a donkey that head butted us....

birkin said...


Oh that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! Duet 5:29