We have been on the weather roller coaster this week.
Monday 82
Tuesday Snowing
Wednesday 75
Thursday Snowing
Devon my oldest has caught a cold, and to tell you just how often my children are NOT sick, in his 12 years he couldn't "remember feeling this bad" Poor guy!
It has been a whirlwind around here this week. New horizons, dreams being full filled, stepping out in faith. We have leased a building downtown where we will be opening
Greenville Combat Sports and Fitness in about 6 weeks. Rob is sieked! This (MMA fighting) has been his passion and everything is falling into place in a huge...crazy way!
We have alot of work ahead of us, but it is exciting!

I had 30 bows to make this week....so my finger tips are singed ;-) If you are waiting on an order they all went out this morning.
I attended the precinct meeting for our area this Tuesday and served as a delegate for Ron Paul. I will be attending the convention on the 29th, lets just keep praying that The Lord moves in a powerful way this election.
I'm so happy to hear the good news. How wonderful that everything is falling into place! :-)
30 bows this week, eh? Well, I'll just have to hold off on my next order, to let your fingers heal, won't I? lol.
Glad to hear such a nice update. :-)
Sounds like a lot of excitement! Keep us posted!
I was hoping you got a lot of snow as well. Hoping we do tonight! Sorry Devon is sick and hope he feels better and no one else gets it!
Sounds exciting for Rob! Pray it all works out. Thanks for the update!
WOW, this is amazing, you all have been busy! Praying that all will go smoothly and the desires of your hearts will continue to be fulfilled!
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