Thursday, August 28, 2008


The world would have you believe that you are in charge of your life and all that you acquire through it. Its YOUR effort, YOUR hard work, YOUR decisions and the things you choose to do or not do that will make you a success. How will you know your a success? Well of course you will have money and many of the best possessions. You will have prestige and be well known among many.

The Word says...... do not worry about what you will eat or drink or ware.....The Lord will provide! It is also very clear that if you do not work you will not eat. To sum it all up, we as believers should work and do our very best to provide what we can, but when times of hardship come along you need to trust that He will provide your basic needs. When you are in specific need, He knows and will work through others to provide for you.

This summer has been a testament to His provision for us. Through the troubles, we have been truly blessed. We have had groceries delivered to our home when Robs business partners would not pay us...when customers did not pay us. Within two months we were owed 8,000 and not one penny did we receive. The Lord saw Robs honesty and his hard work and He sent many to fill in the gap with groceries, I went an entire month without having to purchase food. That was a lean month, but we didn't starve.

His provision is such a comfort. We will have grown out of our car when this little one arrives, and had planned on buying a fourth seat to put in our suburban, as we do not want a car payment and our vehicle is still in great condition. The seat was $800 and we have been trying to save up for it, but do to the above circumstances had not gotten far on that. So what happens?
The Lord placed before us the same exact seat (make, model, color) as our suburban at 1/3 the price. The family who has it will allow us to pay on it as He provides.

We have stepped out in faith with regard to our children and giving Him sovereignty over our fertility, that if we will obey Him and have faith, even when it doesn't look right to us, He will provide!

And, He does!! I am one of the richest people I know. There may not be much money and no named brand shoes; but I have peace, a house full of little precious people, a loving hard working husband, a Father who loves me and a Savior that stood in my place!


:o) Rachel said...

Thank you, Audrey, for sharing your heart in this matter. It is very timely for me, as we are going through a rough time right now, and with baby #6 due in 8 weeks. I was crying out to God this morning to take the (financial) burden from me. I can't bear it with everything else I have to do! God is good all the time!
:o) Rachel, a MOMYS friend

rcsnickers said...

I am crying..... God always provides!

Stephanie said...

Amen to that! :-)

When we first bought our house things were BAD for us...we had just moved 350 miles from home and family and had no source of income and spent most of our cash on our home...we also had no running water and no heat. But we were never wanting, EVER. The world would look at that and think that it's not possible to survive that, and THRIVE...oh, but it is! Because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world and He ALWAYS rewards Faith, He ALWAYS cares for His Children!

I think it's sad really, how few christians there are that really make a conscious effort to live by Faith. When things get hard people go to "mommy and daddy government programs" to take care of them instead of waiting on Yahweh and He won't work then because He won't violate our freewill...and they chose Man's (The World's) Provision over Faith in HIM. And all because they refuse to be even just a little bit uncomfortable, to suffer a little for their Faith, For HIM. We're all a bunch a spiritual wussies in this country...

KeeperatHome said...

Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. It has really spoken to me as my husband and I often struggle with waiting on God's provision. So often, I become worried(a no-no)and devise my own plan to solve the problem, which often makes things worse in the end. There is such reward in waiting on the Lord with faithful expectation.

Candace/Chloe said...

Beautiful testimony! God provides indeed!

hermes lindy handbag said...

Great post, Audrey!!!

Oh that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! Duet 5:29