I have often said, more times than I can count that I was born in the wrong time. Now, I know God does not make mistakes, but I am so drawn to "the little house on the prairie days". Living out on a hillside with my husband and to many children to count;-)! And the children being seen as a blessing and an asset instead of a burden, as so many people think.
There would be a garden, and cows, chickens, pigs and goats. All healthy wholesome foods. I would not have to pay double for food that is not covered in pesticides or shot-up with hormones and potions(of who knows what). Homemade butter, fresh eggs.
We would not owe the light company or the water company or the cable company or the phone company, I'll stop there because I could go on all day! But what about all those modern day comforts? Wouldn't you miss them? No washing machine...GASP! I think the cost of these things was to high a price to pay! Not money, but the trade off that came with these things.
There was a time, not long ago, when right was right and wrong was wrong. There was no in between. Life was simple and purposefully so. Frivolity!?! There was no need for that. Men were men and Ladies were Ladies. Those of which are becoming extinct. If you had a problem with someone you settled it "outside". Friends spent TIME in each others PRESENCE, life was hands on, not long distance, and vicarious. Life was real. It was simple, hard, tedious, respectful, genuine, real.
Yes its "real" now, but some what washed out, covered over and drowned out. Why do I morn so much for a time I never knew? Im not sure. I know that I can only find that peace now in Jesus. Not anywhere in this world. And I hope with all my hopes that God has a little piece of time carved out for me in heaven. Where life may not have been easy, but it was simple!