Tuesday, September 26, 2006
One common complaint with moms to many is that the work is never done and its a thankless job. This is all very true. Some moms even to just one or two children are so negative and really feel robbed of their "life" due to having had children. What a shame!
Our joy in life and our success as mothers is that we get our perspective straight and no matter how much the advesary tries to make you think otherwise; you KNOW the truth!
The truth that the very next breath that you take is not promised to you, it is a gift. The truth that parents loose children everyday and will never touch their soft faces again on this earth. The truth that every moment that your children and yourself are healthy is a gift that out ways all the rest. Every moment that we have our children at home with us, making messes, and needing their diaper changed is priceless. Why do some parents miss this? They cant wait for the child to be out of diapers, next they cant wait until the child starts school and on and on!
If you had no legs and one day were told that you were receiving the gift of legs for only 24 hours. The only exception is that you must continue to dig a trench the entire time you have your legs. Would you say, "you know what that seems like a lot of work, I think I'll pass on that."
I dought it! You would gratefully dig that trench the whole time, enjoying the legs you are standing on.
You will probably wiggle your toes and bend your knees taking in all the wonderful sensations that you had never known. You will enjoy the ache from having been standing so long. You will soak up and embrace ALL that 24 hrs has in store. The good and the hard and count it all as absolutely wonderful!
Sometimes we get lost in the precious gifts of The Father only to count them as sorrow. We must change our perspective. If you were to leave this earth today would your children know that they were the joy of your life.
Which leads me to my next thought for the day. Children will be more enjoyable if they are trained to act correctly and be a functioning, helpful part of the family. No one likes to be around unruly, disrespectful kids; not even the parents of those kids. Train your children well and they will be a blessing and a joy to you! And realize that one day even though it seems so far off in the distance; that your house will be empty. No more sticky little baby faces to kiss when ever your heart desires. No more shoes to pick up off the floor. Laundry will cease to exist, and you will be in the fall and winter of your life. Enjoy the spring and the summer for those are the seasons that your life's memories are made!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Busy Weekend!
After The birthday party we went home and watched disk 2 of the second season if lost. Yep, thats how I do it. I wait until the season comes out on dvd and then watch it without commercials. That is really the only series I ever wanted to watch yet never seemed to catch it when it was on TV.
Then we went to my sisters Saturday evening and watched the Ultimate Fighting Championship fights. Yes I live in a house full of testosterone, this is part of the requirements.
Today Rob had jury summons and luckily was not picked. It was a 2 week trial and his employers would not have been to happy about that. So he is home mowing and weed eating and all that fun stuff.
For those of you MOMYS readers. I am so excited about the Greenville MOMYS get together. Tina told me last night that she will be attending, due to the fact that she will be in town for the Big Sandy Family Camp. I will get to visit with her Thursday as well, as she is staying over at my home. So if you live anywhere near Greenville, please join us it will be so nice to meet and edify one another.
Everyone have a blessed and glorious week!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Website Design Contest
A few questions answered
Letisha asked "did you homebirth with the boys? What are your labors like? Besides PAINFUL AND JOYOUS!"
My first 4 boys were delivered in the hospital. I was never happy with the outcome of each birth, except of course for my precious babies. I felt like a circus attraction with everyone looking on waiting for me to spit fire. Along with that I felt like so much was done that was unnecessary. My labors are quite short. The first one was about 6 hours and I pushed 3 times, after being told I would be pushing for at least an hour. I remember thinking after his birth..."man, that was easy what was all the fuss about?" haha. For those of you who would like to hit me for saying that ;-) Yes, I had an epidural and had no idea what real pain was!
With my 5th son we planned to have a home birth unassisted. His birth was wild, and the more I look back on it, it was a blessing. The Father knew that I needed for it to happen fast. I had my first contraction and had a baby in my hands 30 min. later. It was fast and spontaneous. My body took over and I was just along for the ride!
My Eve was pretty quick as well. It was about 3 hours from first contraction until she was in my arms. That was an intense labor. All mine have been very quick and painful. I watch moms having babies and they are in obvious pain but are controlled. I am screaming like I am being flogged. The best way I can explain the intensity of my labors is it feels like I am being pulled apart. It is hard, but worth every moment! I would love to have a longer labor with less intensity! Its amazing what us moms are willing to go through to receive The Fathers precious gifts!
Also asked "You got a much sooner start than I did. Did you know Rob in high school?"
I wish my life had been that normal! LOL I had moved out of my dads house when I was 14 and got a job and an apartment and started my life. Rob and I met while we were working as Vet Tech's in an animal hospital. I was 18. He was 23. We dated for a year and where married in 1995. I was 3 weeks away from being 20 when we had our first son! We have been blessed every other year sense then with a new baby! We will be celebrating our 11th anniversary in 2 days!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Boys, Babies and Circus Tents
I thought I would post a picture of my boys as they don't seem to get much air time, sense Eve came on the set ;-) So here's my little men!

I can't believe I am half way through with this pregnancy! I can't wait to meet my new little one. She/He has been moving around for a few weeks now. This past week I have been able to feel the kicks from the outside. ;-) Such a great time. I am not so huge that I am miserable and the morning sickness is gone! But I am getting big!

And I cant leave yall without a picture of my latest dress for Eve. I know enough already ;-) This one I sewed on Sunday and Devon my oldest said, "Mom, it looks like a circus tent!" I said "well I'm glad you like it because I will be starting yours next." LOL....I have to admit it is a bit busy.

Monday, September 18, 2006
I am not complaining though because we really need the rain here.
I am complaining just a bit about what the wind and rain produced. We have six 45ft or so Sycamore trees that surround our home. They provide shade but mostly are just the messiest trees I have ever encountered. They loose their leaves year round and bark in the summer and round fuzzy balls in the spring. Just constantly messy! Yet they are our trees and we like the shade. Unfortunately we are one less tree today.
The entire top 20 feet of the tree came crashing to the ground!

The only damage was to a few pickets of our fence. Rob and the neighbors are cutting it off here.
The real miracle here is that if it would have fallen into our home it would have caused a bunch of damage. Rob usually parks his car right were the tree fell, but on that day parked it in the other drive way. It missed my car by 2 feet. Lastly but MOST important is that my children were not playing in the field when it happened! The Lord is more than GOOD!
And the good news is Rob is going to build me a table that seats 12 out of the huge trunk that still remains and needs to be cut down.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Bad mommy...bad!

There have been a couple of times where the baby has not cooperated and either fallen out or just not acted right for what ever reason ;-) So I have had to stop and help her situate the baby in the stroller. Eves virtues at this stage in the game do not include patience.
So I am cleaning the dining room and I see her come happily trotting out of the kitchen, then I see her pushing an empty stroller. I don't know what it is but I always know what my children have done. I guess its a weird mommy thing. So I had an idea of where the baby was. And I was right! I walked in to the kitchen and came upon this awful scene.

I didn't realize this was an option. Think of the possibilities!
Mommyhood according to Eve: If baby is misbehaving just throw it in the kitchen trash for a bit and go on about your business. She is still pushing an empty stroller around. Silly Girl!
I am posting at the crack of dawn today
In a few months it will be so chilly in here. I'm not fond of being "cold" but I suppose it helps me to enjoy the "hot" more when it comes.
I spent about 4 hours yesterday cleaning out the library. We call it the library because one day it will be just that. Rob is going to build shelves from floor to ceiling all around the room. I have always wanted one of those libraries you see in old houses with the step ladder that slides across the top. The ceilings are about 10 feet tall, so I will need something to get up there. It is the room where we do our school work and art work and office work, so there is always a lot of accumulation of stuff. I was going to upload pictures but my cameras batteries are dead so I'll try and get some up later today.
Today is Friday. YAY! Its deep clean day here. We have no school work on Fridays. But lots of cleaning work. The boys are all still in their assigned zones, BUT they must deeply clean everything. After we have the house sparkling clean we will head off to the park for some much needed play time. (incentive)
Everyone have a blessed, safe weekend and a joyous, full of the spirit Sabbath Rest!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Ramblings of Yesterday
Devon is real big on taking trash and creating "stuff" out of it. I had a great idea to create a notebook for him. It will in include a picture of the creation with a descriptive paragraph above to tell all about what he made. I wish I would have thought of this earlier. I thin kit will be fun for him to look back on when he is older and see the things he made as a boy. The creation that spurred this on was his Sonic Grappling hook. Yes he named it...isnt that cute? Its hard to see in the pictures but the hook (a paper clip and rubber band) is pulled back and released which then will allow his action figures to climb up tall things. LOL
I also wanted to share a great "TO DO list" over at Tianys blog. I really enjoyed reading this list during my quite time last night. Oh how much work I have left to do. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could wake up just complete. Never again raise your voice, talk down to, be sarcastic, think wrongly of anything or anyone again. To be filled with ALL the fruits of the spirit. To glow as you go through your day, while letting nothing distract you or worry you. I loved these particular versus as I read through it:
In II Tim. 2:22 we are told to flee the evil desires of youth and to pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace. II Cor. 7:1 tells us to purify ourselves from all that contaminates our body and spirit. We are to clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus, (Rom. 13:14) and live a life worthy of our calling. (Eph. 4:1) We are to live as children of light and to find out what pleases our Lord. (Eph. 5:8, 10)
Can you imagine what it is like to clothe yourself with Jesus Christ. To put him on like a dress...pull him over your head and down around you until He is covering your body. What a visual that is for me. As followers of Christ how often are we walking around completely naked? I got to thinking about what I could do to clothe myself in Him and it all boils down to one thing. Keep Him close to me all day. Read the scriptures, pray without stopping, always be thinking how would The Father want me to handle this and trust in Him to help me carry out those tasks.
Oh...so much work to be done!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I-Q tests?
Congratulations, Audrey!Your IQ score is 115
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Umm....then how come half the time I am putting the milk up in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge? In all honesty I'm not even sure if the score is good, or what the average scores are. I just thought it would be fun. I am very visual. So the pictures of all the weird and odd shapes I can get in a flash. I could have gotten the full report for 12$ but I'm a tight wad. LOL
Sewing question
The pattern that I am using for the jumpers for Eve is the See and Sew (see I told you I was visual ;-) #4488 and I have another pattern that is See and Sew also where the main difference is in the collar (it is rounded instead of square) it is #B4420. I haven't used the later one yet because I figure when you have something down pat, why change it. When I get bored with sewing the other pattern, I will switch and learn the new one. They both take about 1 1/2 yards to make a dress with.
On another note, I have been feeling like crum again. Nauseous and head aches. I was feeling so good there for a while. It is so easy to stay motivated and on task when you feel good....not so much when you don't. I'm sure it will pass soon!
Also Kendra over at preschoolers and peace has had a few good posts on chores and child discipline that I thought where really insightful.
Edited: Here are the I-Q score averages I found while doing a search online.
Where will your score fall within the following ranges?
80-90 (below average)
90-110 (average intelligence)
111-121 (above average) (ooo..ooo...here I am)
122-130 (highly intelligent)
131-141 (gifted)
142+ (genius - top 1%)
LOL I dont consider myself above average by any means!!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
OK so I'm smitten by her cuteness!
I'm not sure that she ever plays with actual toys.
She loves just being near her daddys stuff!
Her purple convertable!

I went grocery shopping last night and found 2 different materials on the clearance table. I bought enough to sew two more dresses and the cost was only $4.50 I love sewing cute dresses that only cost me 2.25 each.
I realized the other day that winter is coming and I am going to have to figure out how to sew sleeves. That seems like a daunting task. We'll see how I do.

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hey Yall!
We had a barbecue on Sunday and had a great time, but the kids seemed to receive a gift of the cold virus from one of the other guests (not sure who the offender was ;-) Ethan (5) got it first then Elijah (3) then Devon (10) now today Eve is looking all puffy in the eyes and has a snotty nose. I only hope I can bypass getting it. I am swimming in Vitamin C just to make sure I'm doing all I can do to keep from it. Jordan and I usually don't get sick, even if everyone in the house is!
Yesterday I had a dentist appointment. I was scheduled for a deep clean and got it, OUCH! As I was leaving we made an appointment for me to come back in a few weeks to have an abscessed wisdom tooth pulled. She also said that I had my yearly coming up in a few months and to be able to complete that, I would need to get a note from my OB stating that I am cleared for x-rays. I explained to her that we could just push that appointment back a few months as I didn't have an OB because I labored at home. She looked at me as if I had said I had a bomb strapped to my chest and was about detonate if my demands were not met. She said "oh, well let me go talk with the dentist and I will be right back" She returned to tell me that NOW they would also need an OB note stating what anesthesia they can use for the tooth extraction in a few weeks. Sure is funny they didn't need that a few minutes earlier. I explained to her that I understood my risks and would gladly except Lidacain and would sign any waivers that they felt needed to be signed. She basically told me that I would have to be under an OB's care to walk back in the doors while pregnant. I was furious. I said fine, I guess I will carry around this infection for the next 5 months, that should be much safer for me and the baby, than a shot of Lidacain. What is wrong with people these days. Everyone is out to cover their own behinds because no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. I am guessing that I could step in front of oncoming traffic and if I survived still be able to sue the poor soul who hit me and WIN, all while having a suicide note pinned to my shirt. It really is sad and frustrating for those of us who have sense and realize our risks and except the outcome without retaliation. Ughh!
With the long weekend came much sewing. I have created a monster! I love sewing for Eve so here are the latest creations: well for what ever reason Blogger is being difficult, I will try to upload them again later today.
Well, I'm off. I need to finish the laundry for the day, bake the bread for the rest of the week, and make a shopping list were I will attempt to feed my family of 8 for 60$ this week. Wish me luck!
Friday, September 01, 2006
A new addition to the family!
He was found emaciated and covered with ticks and fleas about 2 months ago. They nursed him back to health and put weight back on him (he still needs to gain about 15 more) This dog was meant for our family. He is the most gentle and patient giant I have ever seen. Our dog Maverick played (pestered) him for the entire 3 hours he was first here and then we had to separate them so we could get some sleep.
So we introduce to you Franklin.