Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Rules of The Home

We obey our Lord Jesus Christ

We love, honor and pray for one another.

We tell the truth.

We consider one another’s interest above our own.

We speak quietly and respectfully with one another.

We do not hurt one another with unkind words or deeds.

When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.

When someone is sorry, we forgive him.

When someone is sad, we comfort him.

When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.

When we have something nice to share we share it.

When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.

We take good care of everything God has given us.

We do not create unnecessary work for others.

When we open something, we close it.

When we turn something on, we turn it off.

When we take something out, we put it away.

When we make a mess, we clean it up.

When we do not know what to do, we ask.

When we go out, we act just as if we were in this house.

When we disobey or forget any of the rules we accept discipline and instruction


runningtothecross said...


Thank you for this post. I printed up a copy to go over it with my children during schooltime. Sometimes they can get a little crazy! :oP


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

I love this list! They are unspoken rules in our home, but lately, I'm thinkin' they need some speakin'! Thanks!

Rachel said...

love these rules!

rcsnickers said...

Did you write these? They are great. I have always liked George Harris 21 House Rules but these are actually better! I too need to print these out and display in our house!


Oh that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! Duet 5:29