Now I am not a squeamish person by any stretch ...I use cloth diapers....nuff said, but this really was more than I wanted in a root beer. Im pretty used to UFO's in my drink, but an entire chewed up and spit out cookie? Now come on yall....thats just gross. So I did what anyone would do.....right??!!??
Homeschool post up over here. Its a little less gross over there.
I made these this weekend, FUN FUN FUN!
They are my new "Butterfly Bow" line.
I dont have them up yet but I will in a few days
Silly Pickles?
Yes, I have those too! They arent for sale though, I get to keep them all to myself!
They told me they were being rich people! LOL
All rich people have eye glasses and curly mustaches, you know?
"The vanity of the mind is our fault and our shame, and the one chief cause of
our misery. We too much mind earthly, carnal and sensual things. Hence Christ
our chiefest glory is too much banished from, and kept out of our minds...When
Christ, the sun of righteousness shines in the mind, the tongue will discover
it: the life will manifest it. "
"Ever reflect on your new birth, and
heavenly pedigree in Christ. Ever clothe your mind with what honor now comes to
you by Christ, and what glory awaits you with him in the heavenly mansions. So
you will look down with a holy contempt upon all objects beneath your Beloved,
to make you honorable."
"Aristotle mentions a parcel of ground in
Sicily, that sends forth such a strong smell of fragrant flowers that no hounds
can hunt thereabout, their scent is so confounded by the sweet fragrance. Thus
it will be, when Christ is put on the mind, as our chiefest pleasure, we shall
find such sweet fragrance flowing from him, as will confound our scent, and
prevent our hunting after the vain pleasures of sense, and the carnal joys of a
wicked world."
We planted them today in our fruit orchard (haha)! We also trimmed the old pecan and pear trees on our property, I love being outside in the dirt, can you tell?
The chickens must be enjoying the weather as well because they have been laying up a storm. They gave us 23 eggs in three days.
Sorry I have been so quite lately, and its not that I havent had the time. I go through periods of quiteness I guess and this is one of those times. I'm still here though.
We attended a neurodevelopmental meeting a few weeks back, in order to get some tips on teaching Jordan. It was very interesting and we learned ALOT, to much to mention it all. I did want to share one of the things that we took away from the conference. Visual and Auditory processing; obviously is a huge part of learning. Did you know that there is a way to know where you stand in these areas and then improve them? All with just a few minutes a day of FUN!
I'll start with Visual:
For children who recognize numbers; write on 10- 3x5 cards four random numbers all in a line such as 4 8 2 0 mix up the digits to create 10 unique cards. Make 10 more with five digits then six then seven....you go higher if/when you find that your child’s processing and retention of the numbers is going up, but to start unless you have a bunch of geniuses ;-) seven digits will be good.
Testing is a unique process and is only administered one time for each child/adult in the family. The purpose of the testing is to ascertain each individual’s current visual processing ability (visual short term memory). Ideally the child’s proficiency level should match their age up to age 7. A visual processing level of 7 (numerical digits) is the minimum functional level of all individuals who are 7 years and older. One level up from the proficiency level is the therapeutic level.
Sit your child down and tell them that you will be showing them a card that will have numbers on it, you want them to look at the card (that you hold up for only 3 seconds and turn away, timing is very important) then when you turn it away they are to tell you what numbers they saw. They must get it on the first try or it doesn’t count as correct. If you have shown your child 5 four digit cards and they make no mistake in telling them back to you, move up to 5 digits and continue going up until they stumble, then that is where you begin the daily practice, as soon as they are able to process and tell back that amount of digits move up again. This is also great for us adults as well.
It was interesting to watch my children do so well on a certain number of digits then when one more was added their brains just couldn’t process that many. But as we all know the brain is a magnificent creation and can be retrained and connections can be re-made.
If you have younger children you can still work with that child using a line of pictures. You might have to get creative and print them out in black and white on the computer. They should be pictures about the same size and of individual things. Example: a card might have, in a straight line across a car, hat, doll, blocks. If the child can look at the pictures and call them back to you with no problems add an extra image to the line.
Auditory is very similar except you SAY the numbers without them seeing the cards. It is very important that you say them in a monotone voice with a small pause in between each number like this"1....7....4....8" where the dots are there needs to be enough time for you to say one thousand (to yourself of course).
With both of these techniques you never tell them they are wrong when they get it wrong...just move to the next one. You of course can tell them that they are doing well. You need to not create any hesitation in them, which can happen if a child is afraid of getting it wrong.
Keep it short and sweet. Of course the testing part may take around 10 minutes, but the daily drills should be no longer than 2 minutes a time, 2-4 (or more) times a day.
Another interesting discovery was that visual is alot easier for my children/as well as me, than auditory. Give it a try and build your child’s visual and auditory processing skills, and have some fun while you are doing it!